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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Creative Bridges 2023 - September Update

I can’t believe that it’s 12 months since the planning team for this year’s conference first met. Time is flying towards Creative Bridges 2023 now and we are enjoying it so much that we have scheduled a final final meeting the day before the conference begins. The tech team also have their meeting very soon to test all of the Zoom links to ensure that you can enter seemlessly.

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Creative Bridges 2023 - August Update

With less than eight weeks to go now preparations are well into the techncal production phase now and our planning team is getting excited to see you at the conference.  We are delighted that Helen iles has joined the planning group bringing a wealth of expertise as a film maker and writing practitioner.  Helen will help us bring you teasers of some of this year’s presentations.

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Creative Bridges 2023 - July Update

Thank you very much again to those of you who submitted proposals for presentations and workshops for this year’s conference.  The fantastic news is that we were over-blessed with submissions. Creative Bridges is recognised as the place to share research, practice and innovation in the field of therapeutic writing.  The review team had an inspiring time reading all of those proposals.  However, their decisions were  tinged with sadness that some people would have their paper turned down. We are offering those people the opportunity to present at future Lapidus events, particularly LLRC.

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Creative Bridges 2023 - May Update

Every year I wonder how did April emerge from February?  It’s thanks to March of course. And the year is certainly marching, flying even, towards Creative Bridges 2023, on 16th & 17th September. Our key note speakers are in place and both are very excited to be addressing the conference. Registrations are coming in and well done to those of you who took advantage of our early-bird offer.  Conference submissions are arriving and being reviewed.  CB2023’s foundations are in place and we look forward to you helping us complete that bridge to connect our worlds with words. If you have an interest in writing for wellbeing, or creative writing for therapeutic purposes, then this is the conference for you.

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Creative Bridges 2023 - April Update

The Creative Bridges 2023 planning group is delighted to announce that we have secured our keynote speakers and can now formally announce them.  It is our pleasure to welcome Connor Allen and Mohsin Mohi Uh Din as our keynote speakers for the conference in September.

A keynote fulfils a number of overlapping roles. They can set the tone and promote the values of the conference at its opening; they can inform us about their work and help us make connections into the core of our work.  They can move, inspire, challenge and entertain such that we embrace the days with enthusiam and energy.


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Creative Bridges 2023 - March Update

We have lift off.  

Flying to Bridge the World with Words

Since the conference planning group began meeting in August last year the months have flown past and on Friday 17th February we had a super boost of energy as one of our milestones was reached.  The call for papers and attendance registrations for Creative Bridges 2023 are open. A   key strength of Creative Bridges is that it truly is a collaborative effort by and for the membership of Lapidus International and those devoted to writing for wellbeing.  

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Creative Bridges 2023 - February update

Vibrant, connecting, exemplary brochure, epic open mic, soulful,  uplifting, warrior words.

Above are some of your comments about Creative Bridges 2021. In two days over three Zoom streams we packed in 40 CWTP researchers and practitioners to share their wisdom and experience for 160 delegates. We wrote, we listened, we shared, we connected online.

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Event Round Up

There are a lot of events going on at the moment, run both by ourselves and our members. We don't want you to miss out, so please find below a summary of the events happening over the next few months. We'll continue to update it every time someone sends in something new! (All times are in UK time unless otherwise specified)

Are you running an event? Let us know by emailing the details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Find Your Juicy - Start 2023 with this free event!

Sunday 12th February 2023 - 5pm to 6:15pm (UK time)

Facilitator: Barbara Bloomfield and Roger Livingston

Start your new year with a creative burst!

Come and find your juicy energy with short readings and poems and a bit of creative writing that will help to support and encourage you for the coming year.  Writers Barbara Bloomfield and Roger Livingston, plus the odd guest or two, will bring you inspiring words -  funny, romantic, warm and challenging   - and invite you to energise and focus your talents for 2023.

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743 Hits

Sharing words, a shared future - our event on May 22nd

On May 22nd 2021, Lapidus ran a networking event which allowed attendees to meet up and talk about their experiences, both as a Lapidus member and as a member of the writing for wellbeing community. Out of this event came a lot of interesting points of discussion – for example, how can Lapidus support the move of writing for wellbeing so it is more mainstream, or how can Lapidus help its members move into this new ‘hybrid’ world of offline and online events?

These are just some of the points that the board will be thinking about as we move into the future (how will they shape the next 25 years of Lapidus International?).

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Celebrating 25 years of Lapidus International - Networking Event

Saturday May 22nd 2021 – 10am until 12pm.

Free Workshop – Donations welcome

To start our 25th Birthday celebrations, we are pleased to offer a Saturday morning networking event on the 22nd May 2021.

We are offering Lapidus members an opportunity to share their experiences of writing for well-being/ personal development/therapeutic purposes.   

Lapidus International is a leading organization in supporting this work and we would like to discover more about the diverse and distinct ways practitioners are working during these challenging times.

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Lapidus International AGM 2020


Saturday 28 November - 11:00am to 2:30pm

Join us this November for our online AGM - free for all Lapidus members to attend. It's another chance to catch up and connect with your fellow members, as well as take part in a workshop run by Jeannie Wright, one of Lapidus's directors.

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Therapeutic Writing with the Five Senses

Therapeutic Writing with the Five Senses

 Saturday, July 11th, 11.00am – 12.30pm



Our awareness seems to have been heightened in recent months and a hyper-sensitivity to our encounter with our environment has been described by many. 

As we seek to hold a fragile balance in uncertain times, the use of our five senses may be significant and supportive. This online workshop is designed to for enjoyment, using verbal expression and writing as we focus on our interaction with the world and explore our emotions in relation to our sensory experiences.

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2215 Hits

Lapidus Australia has wings!

An inaugural meeting to gauge interest in Brisbane recently resulted in a commitment to form a group currently known as Lapidus Australia. It’s early days for us, with our next meeting to consolidate our plans to be held on 19 March 2020

What can be said so far is that all of us are inspired by our colleagues in the distant north - that would be you Lapidus International, with your spidery connectivity and peer support for practitioners of words for wellbeing in our myriad forms.
In Australia, writing for wellbeing practitioners have tended to be solo operators, with clusters forming friendship/support groups here and there. One such cluster is in Brisbane, the other in Perth. Bridging distances in our vast land will be a challenge for the group, so it is our intention to inspire more localised groups. One step at a time!
We look forward to engaging with our peers on the Lapidus Facebook group - stand by for a rush of antipodean interest.
Anyone interested in attending our next meeting is welcome to get in touch with Stephanie Dale from The Write Road - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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A Words and Wellbeing Retreat – working with ‘the journey’ 2nd - 4th September 2020

Make self-care a priority in your practice. Come to Shropshire for a little magic over three days in a luxurious country house and have the chance to experience the delights of Deborah Alma’s new shop and centre, the Poetry Pharmacy.

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Special Offer from Margate Bookie!

Margate Bookie have a special offer for Lapidus members. On Sunday 23 November at 1pm at Turner Contemporary, Margate, you can apply the science of happiness to creative writing, and join two experts to explore how mindfulness can enhance your storytelling powers.

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Reinvent Your Life – Online Expressive Writing Circle

An online writing circle guided by psychologist Dimitra Didangelou.

Dimitra’s approach through expressive writing techniques encourages life reflection, self-exploration and creative expansion.

The group is useful for all individuals, while the practice of expressive writing can particularly benefit those seeking to gain insight into their inner lives, increase self-awareness, listen to their inner voice and connect with their full creative potential.

The writing focuses entirely on tapping into our inner selves, without any concern for narrative structure or grammar rules.

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2175 Hits

A Dose of Writing: One-Day Event

Join Lapidus London for their next event - A Dose of Writing!
WHEN: Saturday 19 October 2019, 10am to 4pm 
WHERE: The Poetry School, Surrey Quays Road, London, SE16 2XU
What does it mean to shift our perspective and start seeing writing as medicine? How can we manage this as part of our own practice?
This October, we prescribe a good dose of writing! Treat yourself to a day of creativity, exploration and revitalisation as we present three workshops inspired by the theme of 'writing as medicine'. This event has been designed to help writing for wellbeing practitioners to deepen their practice.
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Get ready for the SmåBUS 2020 International Children´s Book Conference!

Three days of talks, lectures and workshops in beautiful Småland

From 3-5 July, 2020, SmåBUS will be organizing the second International Children's and Young Adult Literature Conference in the heart of Småland, Sweden. This upcoming edition is themed around Inspiration & Responsibility and will involve a number of lectures, workshops, a museum visit, various children’s activities and an international illustrators’ exhibition. The organizers call it “an inspiring cultural movement working in the spirit of Astrid Lindgren.” Speakers include Flemish author Bart Moeyaert, laureate of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2019, which is often referred to as the “Nobel Prize for youth literature.”

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Project Lush - a one day writing spa with Stephanie Dale and Kate Pawsey

Project Lush - a one day writing spa with Stephanie Dale and Kate Pawsey.

Sunday 16th June in Bradford-on-Avon. Saturday 22nd June in South West Wales.

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