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3 minutes reading time (521 words)

Creative Bridges 2023 - July Update

Thank you very much again to those of you who submitted proposals for presentations and workshops for this year’s conference.  The fantastic news is that we were over-blessed with submissions. Creative Bridges is recognised as the place to share research, practice and innovation in the field of therapeutic writing.  The review team had an inspiring time reading all of those proposals.  However, their decisions were  tinged with sadness that some people would have their paper turned down. We are offering those people the opportunity to present at future Lapidus events, particularly LLRC.

I hope that we can bring you a draft programme later this month ahead of our gorgeous brouchure being published, but for the time being I am delighted to share a small clutch of  the sessions:

Claire Williamson Seven-Eyed Supervision: Thinking Together. Using locally found objects as an anchor, this workshop will invite participants to engage with an aspect of the Seven-eyed model of supervision (Hawkins & Shohet, 1985) as CWTP practitioners, or from a participant perspective and to reflect together.

Reinekke Lengelle & Jon Sayers “What do you mean?” The dialogical process of editing. After collaborating on a chapter about poetry and wellbeing, Jon and Reinekke began a conversation about her autoethnographic book, “The Neitherlands”.  Reinekke wrote, Jon responded with edits and searching questions, leading to a conversational process they call dialogical editing.

Anthony Cartwright. Carrier Bag Theories: The potential for therapeutic writing in the university creative writing classroom. Using a metaphor borrowed from Ursula K Le. Guin, this presentation will share some of the work and experiences of teaching and writing on a University Creative Writing module - with particular reference to students writing about experiences during Covid and the zine-craft, freewriting and journalling techniques employed.

If you submitted and think you have not heard from me do check your emails and/or get in touch: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We still have tickets available be at the full conference rates now.  Hop over to to book your place. 

If anyone would like to chair a session- which means co-holding the space with one of our fab technicians to welcome, introduce and thank the guest presenter, and help keep an eye on chat and the Zoom oblongs for questions or comments then do let me know on the admin email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Register with me too for the open mic event on the Saturday evening.

Mel Perry, Conference Administrator 

Creative Bridges 2023 - August Update
Member Review of the Lapidus Code

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