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Lapidus International Events

Training and Events for you

Lapidus AGM 2023

Celebrate the year with Lapidus

Wednesday 6th December 2023 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Facilitator: The Lapidus Board

Lapidus AGM 2023

Celebrate the year with Lapidus International. What have you been up to in 2023?

Join us on December 6th 2023 to celebrate the previous year with Lapidus. The event will be a celebration of all things Lapidus and a big thank you from us to you for supporting Lapidus for another year. The event will be closed by an creative session run by Director Sarah Jackson

Do you have a question you would like to ask about Lapidus and its strategic direction?

Feel free to submit it on the form below and the board will answer during the evening's event.

Shape of the evening:

7:15pm - Meeting room opens, welcome and chat

7:30pm - AGM Begins

8:15pm - 10 minute comfort break

8:25pm - Behind stars and under hills: A writing exercise for when the nights are drawing in

Reflect on the year in this creative, closing session, run by Sarah Jackson

9:00pm - Thank you and session ends

Tickets for this event are for Lapidus members only. Sign up using the form link.

Sign up here


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