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2 minutes reading time (329 words)

Creative Bridges 2023 - May Update

Every year I wonder how did April emerge from February?  It’s thanks to March of course. And the year is certainly marching, flying even, towards Creative Bridges 2023, on 16th & 17th September. Our key note speakers are in place and both are very excited to be addressing the conference. Registrations are coming in and well done to those of you who took advantage of our early-bird offer.  Conference submissions are arriving and being reviewed.  CB2023’s foundations are in place and we look forward to you helping us complete that bridge to connect our worlds with words. If you have an interest in writing for wellbeing, or creative writing for therapeutic purposes, then this is the conference for you.

We are delighted to welcome our keynote speakers and further infoamtion about Connor Allen and Mohsin Mohi Uh Din, is on the Creative Bridges website:

Missed your chance to get early bird tickets or submit for the conference? Don't panic - the conference team have decided to extend the deadline of both to the 31st May.

I have no doubt that we will be enthused, inspired and entertained by Connor and Mohsin.  However, the bulk of the conference is delivered by ourselves, us, the therapeutic writing community. This is your space to share your practice and/or research in the therapeutic writing/ words for wellbeing world. The conference provides opportunities in which to challenge and trouble our practice too. You can deliver a workshop or presentation, or facilitate a panel discussion on potential themes of:

  • -  Human problems
  • -  Existential threats
  • -  Humour
  • -  Developing our knowledge of the field
  • -  Working in digital spaces and getting back in the room
  • -  Reflective practice/supportive systems

Calls for Papers close on 31st May, so take advantage of three Bank Holidays this month (if you are UK-based) to polish those ideas you have always wanted to share and debate, and head over to  to make your submission.

Mel Perry

Conference Administrator    

Letter to the Members from Lapidus Chair
Creative Bridges 2023 - April Update

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