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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Spread the Word Life Writing Prize 2019

Free to enter, the Spread the Word Life Writing Prize run in association with Goldsmiths Writers’ Centre, aims to find the best life writing from emerging writers from across the UK. The Prize defines life writing as ‘intended to be true’, reflects someone’s own life journey or experiences and is not fiction.

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Women Who Write

A writing circle for women to meet and unpack their words, together.

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From the Field: Writing a Community Novel

Every month or so, we are sending our outreach officer, Francesca Baker, out to bring back an interesting story from the field of words for wellbeing. Here is the first of these stories!


In October 2017 Jane Moss embarked on a three year research project to create a community novel. Her question is ‘what would happen if a community wrote a novel using a combination of pens, apps and laptops?’ Or, to put it another, more academic way, ‘What is the potential role for digital media in co-authorship of a community novel?’

We thought this sounded interesting – and fun – so caught up with Jane to find out more.

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From The Desk - A Spooky October Update

Every month, Richard, the Lapidus International Coordinator, is going to write a ‘From The Desk’ article to give an update of the day-to-day activity that goes on in the Lapidus International Office. This is the very first one of those updates and it's extra spooky!


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Bibliotherapy - A book review by Francesca Baker

Bibliotherapy edited by Sarah McNicol, Liz Brewster

Facet Publishing

In recent years bibliotherapy has hit, if not the mainstream, at least a library or health service near you with programmes such as the Books On Prescription scheme, where self help and advice books are prescribed to support people with certain illnesses or ailments. It’s good recognition of something that people have known for many years –advice, inspiration, education and solace can be found through reading.

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Little Book of Writing Prompts - A Book Review by Tony Page

Title: The Little Book of Writing Prompts

Authors: Frances Ainslie and Barbara Bloomfield

Publisher: Lapidus International (

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Stories from the Body - a transformative journey

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HOT Lapidus Report – workshop with Geraldine Green – 15/09/18

The HOT Lapidus group have met on a regular basis in Scarborough since 2011. We currently meet four times a year and the core members of the group take turns in facilitating either a whole day’s session or share the facilitation for a half day’s session. In return for facilitation members pay half the fee for the workshop. Our core membership consists of 8 members and we travel from as far afield as West Yorkshire and Northumberland. We continue to meet in Scarborough as the venue suits us in ambience and in catering facilities and it is convenient for people to travel to. It is also very accessible for anyone with mobility issues and has proven to be a popular venue and we have enjoyed meeting there for the last few years. We all contribute to lunch and each participant is invited to bring food to share.

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The Next Step


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Creating a Global Community of Therapeutic Writers

The magic of therapeutic writing is often experienced sitting around a table in an intimate group setting.  There is enormous power in writing together and having our words witnessed by others in a safe space, held by a skilful facilitator.

When Victoria Field and I embarked on the challenge of carrying some of that alchemy into a virtual learning environment with the launch of our online Introduction to Therapeutic and Reflective Writing course, we approached the task with excitement, but also some uncertainty.  Would it be possible to provide a safe, supportive environment for participants to learn, share and develop?  

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Creative Writing Classes in Monmouthshire



The aim of this Creative Writing course is to provide an opportunity to put pen to paper and to do so in classes which are inclusive, enjoyable and stimulating. These initial courses will encourage and facilitate writers, of whatever ability, to explore their own potential. In responding to workshop prompts they will call on their own knowledge, life experiences, memories and imagination to write.  The course will use stimuli such as nature, art and photography, life and personal observation, and poetry.  Groups will be small and will foster a friendly and supportive atmosphere.  A two-hour workshop each week will encourage the momentum of writing and the ability to hear and provide peer feedback.  If you’ve always wanted to write, come along and have a scribble!

Courses will run from late September in the following venues:

Abergavenny Hub – Monday evenings between 6 pm and 8 pm

Caldicot Hub – Wednesday evenings between 6.30 pm and 8.30 pm

Chepstow Hub – Saturday mornings between 10.30 pm and 12.30 pm

Monmouth Hub – Monday afternoons between 7 pm and 3 pm

Booking is essential - contact with your local Hub or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Writing for Self Discovery Workshops

Writing for Self Discovery workshops

Autumn 2018


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Creative Writing in the Therapeutic Encounter

This experiential Continuing Professional Development day focuses on creative writing and its use within therapy and therapeutic settings.

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Writing for Pleasure

A new writing course starting in Rotherhithe:

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LIRIC and the New Editorial Board

Lapidus International has just launched LIRIC, our research arm. The Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community became a real presence for our words-for-wellbeing not-for-profit company at the research symposium event at the end of July at Storyhouse in Chester. 


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The Writer in Your Life

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Taking Your Writing For A Walk - A West Yorkshire Lapidus Workshop

“In the course of a walk, we usually find out something about our
companion, and this is true even when we travel alone.”

-Thomas A. Clark (from In Praise of Walking)

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Lapidus International Events: WordsWell18


What is WordsWell18? And why do we keep talking about it?

Both very good questions! Allow me to explain.

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Seasonal Space to Write

October 27th 2018 10.00 – 16.45


Facilitated by North East poet and educator Natalie Scott, Seasonal Space to Write brings writers together, regardless of age, ability or discipline and where their interest may be in poetry or prose, report writing or simply recording daily events and experience.

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A Magical Reflection - Grimm & Co

Grimm & Co is Yorkshire’s only Apothecary to the Magical. It’s an exciting project with a shop-front premises in Rotherham, offering creative writing workshops for children and young people. The first time I visited, as a potential volunteer, I was given the same experience as each new participant gets:  the secret doors opened and I was ushered through into the writers’ space. I tell you, it’s magical.

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