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2 minutes reading time (377 words)

Opportunity: Be part of the Encyclopedia of the Sustainable Development Goals


Call for practitioners, researchers and PGR students researching:

  • Hunger and food poverty
  • Gender and gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Partnerships for sustainability

…become an author in the world´s largest editorial project on sustainable development, "Encyclopedia of the Sustainable Development Goals".

The Encyclopedia encompasses 17 volumes, each one devoted to one of the 17 SDGs. We plan 100 articles per volume, or 1,700 chapter in total. We are nearly ready with the publication, and want to invite expressions of interest from colleagues who may wish to support this project and may be interested to act as authors. This is an honorary, i.e. non-paid position, but entails a wide visibility since the names and affiliation of the authors will appear on the publication both in print, as well as on the on-line version, which they will be able to access free of any charges. Contributions to the Encyclopedia are peer-reviewed and hence officially count for promotion and tenure purposes.


This call is specifically for the volumes focusing on Sustainable Development Goals:

Volume 2 – Zero Hunger

Volume 5 – Gender and Gender Equality

Volume 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth

Volume 17 – Partnerships for Sustainability


You can write up to three chapters. Each chapter should be a summary/synthesis of tertiary literature (not reporting new, original primary data), and should be circa 4,900 words, excluding the references list (i.e. the list of references is not included in this word count). Once you submit, it then gets sent for review. We hope the final version would be ready for publication within as little as 3 months. The great news is after final proofing by professional copyeditors, the chapter will be published and available to be referenced online immediately.

Please contact Professor Tony Wall This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest.

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