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Lapidus Magazine

From the writing for wellbeing community
for the writing for wellbeing community

About the Magazine

Lapidus Magazine is a biannual online publication by and for the Lapidus community and dedicated to exploring the transformative power of writing and the arts for personal growth and healing. As a platform for Lapidus members interested in therapeutic writing and arts, we provide a space to share ideas, challenges, and successes.

We welcome submissions from writers, poets, therapists, educators, and anyone with a passion for using writing as a tool for wellness. Whether it's a personal essay, a thought-provoking article, creative work presented in the context of your practice, or a creative writing exercise, we want to hear from you.


Why do we have a Lapidus magazine?


The Lapidus Magazine is the next step in the journey leading on from the original Lapidus journal (of which you can find issues in our archive). The journal was originally the flagship publication of Lapidus - but over the years it became more difficult for us to gather and share the brilliant content that was coming out of our community. The first step in the journey was the development of the Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community - originally meant to be a one-off research issue for the original journal. This journal was met with so much success, however, that it has developed into the LIRIC journal that we have today - our sister publication, which can be found here.

But the Lapidus community is more than just academics and researchers. As the LIRIC journal grew, the board were aware that there was a massive section of the community who were missing out. This lead to the development of the Lapidus Magazine - a publication written by the writing for wellbeing community, for the writing for wellbeing community. The first issue was designed and edited by the fantastic Dr Helen Foster who set us on the path to where we are today.

Unlike LIRIC, our sister publication, we are not an academic journal. The magazine is practitioner and creative driven. The magazine is here for celebrate and explore those working in the world of writing for wellbeing, or for those who have an interest in joining and learning from it.




Looking to submit to the next issue?

Looking for the LIRIC Research Journal?

Click here

Want to explore the Lapidus Journal archive?

Click here