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Lapidus Magazine

From the writing for wellbeing community
for the writing for wellbeing community

Looking to Submit to the Lapidus Magazine?

Lapidus Magazine is a biannual online publication by and for the Lapidus community and dedicated to exploring the transformative power of writing and the arts for personal growth and healing. As a platform for Lapidus members interested in therapeutic writing and arts, we provide a space to share ideas, challenges, and successes.


Submission deadlines:

The deadline for submissions for our next issue is 13th May 2024. Early submissions are encouraged!

For questions about the magazine, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



We welcome submissions from members who are writers, poets, therapists, educators, and with a passion for using writing as a tool for wellbeing. Whether it's a personal essay, a thought-provoking article, creative work presented in the context of your practice, or a creative writing exercise, we want to hear from you.


Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Personal experiences with therapeutic writing
  • Techniques and approaches for using writing in wellbeing practices
  • Reflections on the intersection of writing, creativity, and mental health
  • Insights into training, supervision, and professional development in the field
  • Focus on Ekphrastic poetry and visual arts: poems, creative work, or memoir with commentary (Please note that while we appreciate poetry, we cannot accept stand-alone submissions, as Lapidus Magazine is not a literary publication. Poems will be published in the context of therapeutic writing reflections and practice.)
  • Questions for our new regular column, ASK, in which experts in the field offer advice based on their years of experience.
  • Original artwork for which you hold copyright. Please supply digitally in .png or .jpg format.



Submissions should be original, unpublished work.
Unsolicited written submissions should be no more than 700 words.
Please include a brief bio (up to 100 words) and a high-resolution author photo with your submission.
Submissions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line "Submission forLapidus Magazine - [Title of Submission]."
ASK submissions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line "Submission for ASK'. 


If your article submission is research-based then you may consider submitting it to our sister publication the LIRIC Journal.

If your submission is time-limited, such as publicity for an event or upcoming workshop, then we will forward this on to the monthly Lapidus Newsletter.


For issue 4, the team is Kate Poll and Alison Cable. If you’d like to help with the magazine or to find out more, please get in touch: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Looking for the LIRIC Research Journal?

Click here

Want to explore the Lapidus Journal archive?

Click here