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I am a poet with an MA Creative Writing from The University of Kent. I am also a fully accredited Counsellor with extensive experience in educational settings. I supervised trainee counsellors for 7 years. In 2019 I took the PWA course in “Therapeutic and Reflective Writing” and in” Running Writing Workshops”. I am interested in training others to use  writing for self-development and have used journaling as a self-help tool for 15 years.

Carol Dalton

Location of Practice:
Ashford, South East

MBACP (Accred.)2013 Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Counselling, West Kent College, 2006-2008 MA Creative Writing (Merit). University of Kent at Canterbury, 2018

Skills & Interests:
Creative writing, journaling, poetry, group work, Counselling

Contact Details:
therapyworksashford (at) btinternet (dot) com

Website & Social Media:
Instagram: fieldwork.write