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I’m currently training to be a relational gestalt psychotherapist, and also a Certified Poetry Therapist (CPT). Prior to this, for 20 years I worked as a communications and PR consultant, and for almost 10 of those years, I’ve been running my own storytelling business, True Story. In 2018 I retrained in hypnotherapy and in 2020 I started The Moon Lab. I currently run True Story alongside The Moon Lab. More about each below… The Moon Lab: I offer writing for wellbeing and poetry therapy workshops and courses. I also run courses teaching people how to have lucid dreams. In addition, I offer mindfulness, stress management and other wellbeing courses to a corporate audience. True Story: In addition to providing some PR consultancy to organisations and agencies, I am also a freelance wellbeing writer for various UK publications including In the Moment, Breathe, Psychology Now, Red magazine, Female First, The Lady, Eastern Daily Press, among others. I’m also a member of the Guild of Health Writers. I’m a published poet with various poems published in literary magazines and placed in competitions. I’m currently writing my debut collection of poetry. You can find out more here:

Leah Larwood

Location of Practice:
South East, Norwich

Diploma in Relational Gestalt Psychotherapy (Masters Level). UKCP Accredited. Trainee Psychotherapist. Completion 2026. Certified Poetry Therapist (CPT). Completion 2023. Mindfulness Teacher (Trained with Mindfulness Association). Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Counselling Skills (CERT. HYP CS). MA in Creative Writing. BA Hons in Public Relations.

Skills & Interests:
Poetry therapy, journaling, poetry and creative writing, dream work, gestalt psychotherapy, mindfulness, women’s health, post-natal support.

Contact Details:
leah (at) themoonlab (dot) net, 07929 755577

Website & Social Media: Twitter @TheMoonLab Instagram @MeetTheMoonLab Facebook MeetTheMoonLab