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Events Calendar

Monday 05 November 2018, 04:00pm
To Saturday 10 November 2018
Hits : 722
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Roselle’s unique approach to writing a novel, rooted in myth and archetype (especially the Quest motif from the Grail legends), earned her a full-page spread in The Guardian for her first course in 1998. Occasionally she offers an intensive course for aspiring novelists who are partway through, stuck, floundering or flagging, or who just feel they’d like company and some feedback from an experienced tutor and other novelists.

Limited places on this November week (Monday 5th, evening, to Saturday 10th, morning).

To go to her website and find out more


ROSELLE ANGWIN, who is known to many LAPIDUS members for her FIRE IN THE HEAD holistic writing workshops and THE WILD WAYS programme of what she calls ‘ecosoul: the ecological imagination’ courses, is offering just two residentials this autumn, both at the beautiful Boswedden House retreat centre on the coast at Cape Cornwall.