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Events Calendar

In Harvest Time - Writing Retreat
Monday 03 September 2018, 04:00am
To Friday 07 September 2018
Hits : 816
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


An autumn retreat: memoir & nature' is a short course: Monday 3rd September 2018 (from 4pm) to Friday 7th September (after breakfast) in which we’ll focus on writing about our lives, and also from our memory and current experience in this beautiful place of moments in nature. This will be a chance for quiet reflection, depth and much prompted writing, as well as readings and discussion. 

To visit The Wild Way's Website 


Cliff edge

ROSELLE ANGWIN, who is known to many LAPIDUS members for her FIRE IN THE HEAD holistic writing workshops and THE WILD WAYS programme of what she calls ‘ecosoul: the ecological imagination’ courses, is offering just two residentials this autumn, both at the beautiful Boswedden House retreat centre on the coast at Cape Cornwall.