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Events Calendar

Let Us Rise Like Lions - West Yorkshire Lapidus Group Meeting
Saturday 28 April 2018, 11:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 1115
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West Yorkshire's next regional Lapidus group workshop will be on Saturday April 28thhin the Play Space at Leeds Art Gallery, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m

Gail Bolland and Ravinder Kullar will lead the workshop with the dual themes of seasonal renewal and social change.

Let Us Rise Like Lions For A Flourishing Spring

A Lapidus session of writing, drawing, dancing and singing to awaken and strengthen your spirit in difficult political times, looking at inspiring examples for standing firm for justice and care of our planet, including Shelley's The Masque of Anarchy - its final verse, 

Rise, like lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number!

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you:

Ye are many—they are few! 

The Art Gallery in Leeds is next to the Town Hall on the Headrow, and we’ll bring lunch for ourselves and/or to share. The “tiled cafe” in the library attached to the art gallery also serves a range of sandwiches, cake and soup. There’ll be a £10 charge for the day, (£5 for concessions & Lapidus members.)

Location Play Space at Leeds Art Gallery