Magazine Submission Guidelines
The new Lapidus Magazine is published online in a magazine format offering a platform for Lapidus members and others in the world of writing for wellbeing.
Lapidus Magazine Submission Guidelines
- Submissions should be original, unpublished work.
- Unsolicited written submissions should be no more than 700 words.
- Please include a brief bio (up to 100 words) and a high-resolution author photo with your submission.
- Submissions should be sent to with the subject line “Submission for Lapidus Magazine – [Title of Submission].”
- The Issue Six Submission Deadline is 28 May 2025. Early submissions are encouraged. Late submissions will automatically be considered for the following issue unless you specify a publishing deadline.
What are we looking for?
Sharing Your Voice in Lapidus Magazine…
Do you have a story to tell, insights to share, or techniques to explore?
Lapidus Magazine invites you to contribute to our upcoming issue, with a focus on Grief and Relationships.
We welcome submissions from writers, poets, therapists, educators, and anyone with a passion for using writing as a tool for wellness. Whether it’s a personal essay, a thought-provoking article, creative work presented within the context of your practice, or a creative writing exercise, we want to hear from you.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
- Personal experiences with therapeutic writing
- Techniques and approaches for using writing in wellbeing practices
- Reflections on the intersection of writing, creativity, and mental health
- Insights into training, supervision, and professional development in the field
- Focus on Grief and Relationships: poems, creative work, or memoir with commentary. (Note: While we appreciate poetry, we cannot accept stand-alone submissions, as Lapidus Magazine is not a literary publication. Poems will be published in the context of therapeutic writing reflections and practice).
- Questions for our new regular column, ASK: Experts in the field provide advice based on their years of experience. Send to
- Readers’ Poems and Shorts: Letters and short pieces (~150 words) in any form, e.g. a reflection on personal or professional wellbeing practice, a poem, a description, or any other short piece that addresses a writing for wellbeing issue, theme, or event)
- Original artwork for which you hold copyright. Please supply digitally in .png or .jpg format.
- If your article submission is research-based then you may consider submitting it to our sister publication the LIRIC Journal.
- If your submission is time-limited, such as publicity for an event or upcoming workshop, please submit it to the Lapidus Newsletter by emailing